マイマイ's Contemporary Art Blog



Mindfulness Meditation

Recently, I am interested in mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness is a psychological process which pays attention to the present moment. While meditating, you need to focus on your breathing and not thing about anything. Bill Gates, Steve J…

Eating healthy

How to live healthy for our entire lives? This is probably a permanent question for most people. There are many methods to keep ourselves healthy. In regard to food, we say eating traditional Japanese foods such as Miso, To-fu, soy sauce, …

Women’s careers

Recently, I am thinking about women’s careers. What’s the best way to build one? Of course, each person has a different way of thinking. There isn’t a single answer. However, I can’t stop thinking about it as some of my mother’s friends fe…


One of the beloved characters in Japan is “Anpan-man”.”Anpan-man” was created by manga artist, Takashi Yamase in 1970s. The main character is an anthropomorphic bread super hero. “Anpan” is a Japanese popular bread filled with sweet red be…

Chiharu Shiota’s exhibition at Mori Art Museum

I went to Chiharu Shiota’s solo exhibition at Mori Art Museum this weekend. It was the best show I ‘ve seen in a while. I didn’t know much about her works, but I became interested in them so much. The exhibition shows her representative wo…

Practicing Yoga

I started practicing Yoga 4years ago. It was because of health problems. In that time, (I guess) I was stressed out of from working all day long in front of my computer in my tiny room. We started a new business and moved to a new place, i…

Baracca (novel by Natsuo Kirino)

I’ve just finished reading the novel “Baracca” written by Natsuo Kirino. Natsuo Kirino is famous for her novels “Out” and “Grotesque”. Most of her books are focused on unhappy people, like a poor housewife, an ugly girl, a mother who lost …

Vietnam trip with one-year old baby!

久々すぎる更新になります。 その間に都内でお引越し、娘も生まれ、色々と変化がありました。 blogは読み返すと自分の考えや感じた事を改めて振り返る事ができ、備忘録としてもいいですね! これからは、ちょっと今までと変えて。。 つたないですが。。日常…